We celebrated Eric's 36th birthday this year and brought the camera along to document some of it. After days and days of rain, the sun and warm weather came out and we ventured to Seattle to celebrate. Thanks to everyone for their warm birthday wishes...
36! What?! Never thought it would've happened!

Thanks Betsy!

Eric's favorite present at the Top of the Stairs - Carmen love!

Morning Watershed Park hike

Eric grew a handlebar mosstauche for his 36th b-day

Eric's favorite meal of the day at his favorite breakfast restaurant in Olympia, the Blue Lotus Cafe. Mmmmm

A cup of coffee at Green Lake from our favorite cafe when we lived in Seattle, Revolutions Cafe
(Carmen can be so intense)

A walk around Green Lake on such a nice day

Sushi at Blue C in Fremont

Pinball at Shorty's in Belltown after a trip to REI