Eric's sister Betsy came out to visit us from Richmond, Virginia for a couple of weeks in early March. The weather was cold, rainy, and snowy almost the whole time she was here. Except that we got on a plane and flew to Kauai for 5 nights! We all really needed the vacation and I really needed to get away from the cold wintery weather we've had this winter and early spring. It was really a great trip...
At the Honolulu Airport getting ready to fly to Kauai!

The beautiful Hanalei Valley with taro fields.

Tunnels Beach. This beach was just a short walk from our place in Haena on Kauai's north shore. The seas were pretty rough during our stay, but apparently this beach has amazing snorkeling in the summer time due to its huge reef.

Our place was called the Bamboo Bungalow. It was perfect for our needs. The rain sounded awesome from inside with all the windows and srceens.

Bungalow kitchen

We made smoothes with fresh island fruit every morning.

Breakfast at the bungalow

Ke'e Beach. From Haena it's just a short drive to the end of the road and Ke'e beach. Behind Eric in this picture is a sacred place where in ancient times hula dancers came from all over the Hawaiin Islands to learn hula.

the seas were really rough at Ke'e beach that day. I like the juxtapositon of this wild chicken on the beach with a cruise ship on the horizon.

We had Shave Ice almost every day. Betsy really loved it.

It was stormy and cloudy for much of our stay, but we definetly got enough sun. This picture was taken at Hanalei Bay Beach.

We did chase the sun to the south side of the island a couple of afternoons. Here Betsy and I are enjoying drinks at place near Po'Ipu beach.

Flora and Fuana. We saw many neat animals and plants. These spiders create cool zig zag stitches on their webs.

The wild chickens, called Moa, were literally everywhere on the island. We couldn't believe how many there were. The roosters start crowing at like 3AM!!!

These little red crested cardinals were pretty cute.

Monk Seals. We saw a few of these guys on the beaches. They will sleep all day in one spot. This female monk seal was fenced off for protection by the Hawaii Game Dept. Betsy enjoyed sitting just outside the fence for awhile and watching the seal.

It's just so cool to see wild bananas.

Betsy got some nice flowers from one of the local farmer's markets. favorite fruit, papaya!

More fruits from the farmers market

We were in Kauai for my 33rd birthday. We went to this amazing restaurant in Hanalei called Postcards after a really fun day.

Pupus (appetizers) including taro fritters.

Our yummy.

Though the seas were rough on the Na Pali coast (average 8 ft swells), we took a guided catameran trip out to see Na Pali. The top deck of the Lucky Lady was Betsy's "favorite spot on the trip." I spent most of the time down on the stern trying to keep my breakfast down.

Na Pali cliffs

Betsy enjoying a Maitai on the way back from the Na Pali coast. We saw many humpack whales and spinner dolphins on the trip. On the calmer south side of the island we snorkeled for a bit and though the conditions weren't great we did get to swim with the sea turtles.

I look pretty good here for feeling sea sick - and I even started taking dramamine the night before!

On my birthday we took stand up paddle board lessons. The surf was too rough so we paddled up the Hanalei River which was beautiful beyond words. The waterfalls were flowing off the mountains in the distance and it was even sunny. We did see a sea turtle pop it's head up at the mouth of the river and it spooked us at first.

Hanalei River

On our last day the surf finally cooperated and we took the boards out on the waves. It was really fun. Laird Hamilton (famous big wave surfer) just happened to be there while we were there also.

We cruised around for a little bit gaining balance before trying to catch the waves.

The scenery at Hanalei Bay was amazing. I kept looking around just to take it in.

Catching waves!

Mahalo and Aloha Kauai! Thank you for the great trip...