Yep, we are behind on our blog again...but I wanted to post some pictures from our Valentine's weekend trip to the Oregon Coast back in February. We had a lovely time and stayed at Aunt Barb and Uncle Jerry's place in Seaside. Seaside and Cannon Beach are definitely becoming one of our most favorite places.
All dressed up for Valentines Day dinner in Cannon Beach

The marvelous view from the condo. We lucked out with some beautiful sunny weather. There was also some pretty big surf.

Cannon Beach with Haystack Rock in the distance

Tall salal on our hike out to Oswald West Park

Oswald West Park

Oswald West Park with a very high tide.

Carmen got plenty of play time. Total beach dog.

Carmen prints.

Loves the water (but still won't swim)

Self portrait

Everybody got to relax...