Brandee spent most of June away from Olympia working across the State on water quality studies. Most of the time was spent in sunny Yakima. It's good to be home now and really grinding out getting the new house ready before we move in July 1st!

A quick stop at Chinook Pass on the way over to the Eastside.

A rainbow seen from highway 12 heading east. Wow!

Yes, it's true what they said in highschool: I am a "Tree Hugger". This picture was taken near one of our monitoring sites on the Queets River located in the Olympic National Park.

Friendly horses near our hotel in Prosser, WA.

I practically walked onto this Killdeer nest near one the places I was sampling!

OK, I had to put in a picture of me actually working. Here I'm taking effluent samples at a Wastewater Treatment Plant near the City of Yakima. Not so glamorous, but really interesting.
Mmmmm.... effluence.
Come on you slackers! More pictures please....
Love you.
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