Monday, July 14, 2008

Lotsa Bike Racing...

Check out this link to a video on youtube created by one of my team mates. It shows some of the bicycling road racing I've been doing this year with the Valley Athletic Bicycling team. I completed a difficult two hour moutain bike race yesterday and I'm sitting here pretty beat up today, but it has been a fun racing season so far!

1 comment:

Viv Ross said...

Hey Brandee~
Great U-tube video . . . I could pick you out a couple of times plus the great picture of you girls under the red tent! Pretty impressive! Ask your mom to take you to the Sat. Market in Anchorage and check out their racing club there . . . plus they have great Alaska bike racing jersey's they sell there. Might be fun to have one to wear while out riding around! :-) I need your mailing address please! Love, Auntie Viv