On our drive to Mission Beach we waited in a traffic backup for awhile then decided to follow some locals on a detour around the accident (we found out later that no one was hurt badly in the accident). The locals lead our small convoy through muddy back roads and cane fields. We were a bit nervous with our little rental car. Somehow we made it through okay and arrived in Mission Beach at dusk!

Our little Hyundai rental car with Hinchinbrook Island in the background.

Brandee drives north along the coast to the tropical rainforest town of Mission Beach. White Knuckles!

View from on top of Castle Hill...

The lovely Castle Hill overlooks Townsville and Magnetic Island.

We couldn't believe the cost of beer (and chocolate)! Tooheys!

Eric poses with a local Dugong. He was really hoping to see a live one as they live in the ocean and bays along the northern east coast.

The water was so inviting, but we weren't going to go in above our ankles!

One of the beaches with a "stinger" net along the Strand waterfront park. During Australia's warmer months (October - May) there are deadly stinging jellyfish in the ocean. The stinger nets don't really help for the smaller jellies.

Outdoor breakfast at the Yongala: toast with vegimite and tea. Yum!

After our stay in Iluka, we flew North to Townsville, Queensland. This is a picture of our hotel called the Yongala Lodge. It was named after the famous Yongala shipwreck (now a famous dive site). One of the passengers on board the Yongala owned this place.
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